Ramadan Kareem

When is Ramadan 2020

Ramadan 2020 is predicted to start on Thursday evening, twenty third April, 2020 (consistent with Saudi Arabia) and will cease on Saturday, 23rd May, 2020. Eid al Fitr 2020 is anticipated to be celebrated on Sunday twenty fourth May, 2020. This is the tentative date as the real date of commencement of Ramadan 2020 is situation to the sighting of the moon.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month in Islamic calendar / Hijri Calendar. The length of the Month varies among 29 and 30 days relying on the sighting of the Shawwal Moon which leads to the a good deal awaited Islamic competition of Eid ul Fitr on the first of Shawwal. Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and during this holy month, Al-Quran was first found out to the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.). The phrase ‘Ramadan’ is extracted from Arabic phrase ‘Ramad / Ramida’ which means scorching warmness or drought. So word Ramadan represents abstinence from consuming something and drinking water from dawn till dusk.

Fasting is Obligatory During Ramadan

Millions of Muslims throughout the world examine speedy from dawn until dusk in the course of the whole month of Ramadan as that is the maximum sacred month for the complete Muslim Ummah.

The phrase Fasting has one-of-a-kind phrases in distinct languages across the world. The phrase ‘Sawm / Siyam’ (صوم/ صيام) means to abstain or chorus from something. It manner to refrain from meals, drink, sexual sex and all that which breaks the quick with best goal to do so for obedience to Allah. Whoever denies this responsibility of fasting during Ramadan does no longer remain a Muslim.

The meals eaten earlier than the start of Fajr is known as ‘Suhoor’, and the one eaten after sundown (Maghrib Salah) is known as ‘Iftar’.

Fasting turned into made compulsory at some point of the month of Ramadan on all person Muslims in the Second Year of Hijri (Migration from Makkah to Madinah of Muslims). As Almighty Allah says in Quran:

Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it changed into prescribed to those before you, that you may learn piety and righteousness. 
(Surah Al-Baqarah: 2:183)

Who is Exempt From Fasting?

The Even even though fasting in Ramadan is obligatory upon each capable Muslim, Allah Has pardoned and excused certain human beings from the act of fasting if they may be not able to speedy all through Ramadan due to sure legitimate reasons. In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:185), Allah Has absolutely mention that sick human beings and vacationers are exempted from fasting for the duration of Ramadan. However, within the light of this Aya and consistent with many scholars, following human beings are also exempted from fasting:

  1. Physical or Mentally ill humans.
  2. Travelers.
  3. Women throughout menstruation.
  4. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  5. Elderly People (if fast will further become worse their health).
  6. Children who have no longer reached puberty.

Common Factors which Nullifies the Fast

Following are some commonplace factors which nullifies the quick of a character:

  1. Medication taken via nose or ears.
  2. Intentionally vomit mouth full.
  3. Water accidentally goes down the throat even as gargling.
  4. Ejaculate because of contact with a woman.
  5. Swallow gadgets that aren't usually eaten, like a stick or a piece of iron.
  6. Smoke a cigarette.
  7. After consuming or ingesting forgetfully, one assumes his rapid is damaged and thereby continues to devour intentionally.
  8. Eating after Suhoor / Subh Sadiq / Sehri (starting time of Fast earlier than Fajr Salah) with the affect of it being earlier than Suhoor / Subh Sadiq.
  9. To make Iftar (time of breaking fast after Maghrib Salah) before sundown with the impression of it being after sundown.

Month of ALLAH'S Blessings

The month of Ramadan is an opportunity given by means of the Gracious Creator for His servants to come near Him, are seeking forgiveness for his or her sins, and achievement in their needs. Allah Has stated in Quran:

… and guys who fast and girls who fast, … Allah has organized for them forgiveness and a powerful reward.
(Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:35)

All Past Sins of a Fasting Man or Woman Could be Forgiven:

It was narrated by means of Abu Huraira (R.A.) that Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) stated:

Whoever fasts Ramadan out of religion and desire for reward, his beyond sins might be forgiven.
(Sahih Bukhari: 38)

Gates of Heaven are Opened

It have come to be narrated with the useful useful resource of Abu Huraira (R.A.) that Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said:

When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and therefore the refore the gates of Hell are closed and consequently the devils are chained.
(Sahih Bukhari: 1899)

Reward of all Accurate Deeds are Increased Through Seventy Times

Salmaan Farsi (R.A.) says that at the Judgment Day of Shabaan, Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.) spoke us and said:

O People, there consists of you a amazing month now, a maximum blessed month, in which is a night time time time time extra in fee and goodness than a thousand months. It is a month wherein Allah Has made fasting fardh (obligatory) with the useful resource of day and has made Sunnah the Taraweeh Salah thru way of night time time time time. Whosoever wants to be close to Allah by the usage of the usage of way of doing any applicable deed, for such character may be the praise much like the handiest which had finished a fardh in all over again and whoever plays a fardh (obligation), can be given the praise of seventy faraaidh (obligations) in a few remarkable time.
(Ref: Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, Hadith No. 1887)

Make Most Out of Ramadan

One can make most out of Ramadan with the beneficial beneficial beneficial useful resource of doing the subsequent accurate deeds:

Recite Quran Kareem

Ramadan is also known as the month of the Quran so one should Recite Al Quran at a few stage within the complete month. Tarawih Prayer is without a doubt surely taken into consideration one of the way Muslims complete the recitation of Holy Quran which may be held in Mosques. It is Mustahab (An action it's miles rewarded, but whose omission isn't always punishable) for the Muslim to read entire Qur'an within the route of Ramadhan and to strive to complete it, however that is not obligatory. Some Muslims do it thru Completing one (1) Juz' each day for the 30 Days of Ramadan.

Find Lailat ul Qadr

Lailat ul Qadr, also known as the ‘Night of Power’ is one in every of the most coveted nights of the Islamic Year. It isn't clean which night time time time time is Laylat ul Qadr. However, in accordance to right teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), Muslims are encouraged to spend the 21st, 23rd, 25th, twenty seventh and 29th nights of Ramadan in worship and doing proper works to assure finding Laylat ul Qadr.

Observe Itikaf

Itikaf manner to be in isolation in a Masjid or at home with the reason of actually dedicating it gradual to the worship of Allah (SWT). It is Sunnat-al-Muaqidah (Sunnah this is counseled to be performed) to sit down down down down down down down in Itikaf inside the final 10 days of Ramadan. A person may moreover also start Itikaf after sunset of twentieth of Ramadan, and prevent it whilst the moon for Eid is sighted. The Sunnah remains the identical if the month of Ramadan is of 29 or 30 days.

Narrated thru Syeda Aishah (R.A.):

The Prophet (S.A.W.) used to exercising I`tikaf within the last ten days of Ramadan till he died then his better halves used to exercising I`tikaf after him.
(Sahih Bukhari: 2026)

Offer Nightly Prayers (Tarawih)

Tarawih are the extra prayers a few Muslim Communities perform at night time time time after Isha Prayers inside the course of Ramadan. Traditionally, a Hafiz-e-Quran leads the prayer. He recites the Quran in small portions, in right sequence, each night time time time and completes the recitation of the entire Quran earlier than the save you of the month of Ramadan. Every Muslim who attends such prayers regularly receives the possibility of being attentive to the complete Quran in a month.

Pay Zakat

Zakat is each other Pillar of Islam, and giving Charity turns into even greater vital within the direction of Ramadan. It is a way to purify your wealth for the want of Allah and is payable on assets owned over one lunar year. The accrued Zakat is wanted to require shipping of to the terrible and deserving people.

In Ramadan, all accurate deeds are rewarded more than in each one in every of a type month of the year. This is the why many people choose out out supply Zakat (Sadqa) to negative in this Month.

These are the Ways to be charitable in Ramadan.

Ensure inside the route of fasting

  • Keep Fast in the direction of Ramadan with best reason to looking for praise from Allah.
  • Perform your 5 prayers on time in congregation (Jamah).
  • Give food to fasting citizenry and also supply lot of charity.
  • If possible, perform Umrah in a few unspecified time inside the destiny of Ramadan due to the fact it is miles equal to Hajj in reward. (Tirmidhi: 939)
  • Preserve your self from doing any awful deed collectively with lying, cursing, backbiting and slander etc.
  • Increase in remembrance of Allah, looking for of forgiveness, soliciting for Paradise and protection from hell.
  • Offer extra voluntary Salah (Nawafil). Increase in supplication for yourself, your parents, your youngsters and Muslims.

So Ramadan can be a month of worship and contemplation. Every Muslim should prepare themselves to receive advantages from Allah in the long run of this month by using the use of recognition in prayer, requesting Allah’s forgiveness, worship with sincere faith and hoping for Allah’s reward (in every worlds).

Ramadan Mubarak to All...!!



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